Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid publications, Vol 5 (2010)

A Gaussian transition of an optical speckle field studied by the minimal spanning tree method

O. Vasseur, I. Bergoënd, X. Orlik


We propose to study the Gaussian transition of an optical speckle field using the Minimal Spanning Tree method. We perform an analysis of the spatial intensity distribution and show that the maxima of intensity evolve from a cluster distribution in the strongly non Gaussian regime, to a gradient distribution around the transition and then approach the random distribution area when we tend to the Gaussian regime. In the generated minimal spanning trees, we observe that the standard deviation of the edges length exhibits a maximum around the Gaussian transition when about 4 correlation cells of the surface roughness are illuminated.

© The Authors. All rights reserved. [DOI: 10.2971/jeos.2010.10052]

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