Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid publications, Vol 4 (2009)

Nonlinear-dispersive similariton of passive fiber

A. Zeytunyan, G. Yesayan, L. Mouradian, P. Kockaert, P. Emplit, F. Louradour, A. Barthélémy


Using the spectral-interferometry method for short pulse complete characterization, we demonstrate the nature and distinctive properties of the similariton generated in single mode fiber without gain due to the combined impacts of nonlinearity and dispersion. The nonlinear-spectronic character of such a similariton, with the key specificity of linear chirping, leads to its self-spectrotemporal imaging, important for applications to signal analysis - synthesis problems in ultrafast optics.

© The Authors. All rights reserved. [DOI: 10.2971/jeos.2009.09009]

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