Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid publications, Vol 8 (2013)

Methods in reducing surface reflected glint for shipborne above-water remote sensing

S. P. Garaba, O. Zielinski


Surface reflected glint is a curse for ocean color remote sensing from above-water platforms. In calibrated above-water shipborne radiometry,there are several surface reflected glint correction approaches widely implemented. These approaches were developed using radiativetransfer simulations and/or field measurements in different water types, sea states, and cloud conditions. To date no particular surfacereflected glint correction approach has been prescribed in ocean optics standard protocols. Without synoptic inherent optical propertiesto accurately determine apparent optical properties, glint correction is therefore rather qualitative or subjective. There is need to fullytake inventory of uncertainties resulting from such differences. We look at different methods that have been implemented in calibratedshipborne radiometry and how surface reflected glint is corrected for using these available approaches. Field measurements are utilized toassess how the correction approaches perform under clear and overcast skies, we also elucidate on aspects for further improvements.

© The Authors. All rights reserved. [DOI: 10.2971/jeos.2013.13058]

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