Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid publications, Vol 1 (2006)

Welcome to a new electronic journal

Joseph Braat, Mario Bertolotti, Peter Török


In 2005, the Board of the European Optical Society (EOS) decided to launch a fully electronic international online journal because it felt that the scientific community in general and the EOS-membership in particular would greatly profit from such a new service. After more than a half year of preparatory work, the journal JEOS Rapid Publications (JEOS:RP) is now online ( and ready to accept submissions from a broad field in optics and photonics. The Editor in Chief of the journal, Mario Bertolotti, his deputy Peter Török and the Editorial Board are determined to maintain a high scientific level from the very beginning. At the same time, the turn-around time of a submitted paper will be kept as short as possible to justify the epitheton ‘Rapid Publications’. With a well-organized reviewing system, this time between submission and final publication should not exceed three weeks maximum.
I would like to bring some particularities of JEOS:RP to your attention. First of all, in contrast to most other journals, the copyright of the published paper remains with the author. This is in line with European law that favours the rights of authors. The only requirement of JEOS:RP is the consent of the author not to publish the paper in another journal, book or other publication means within the first twelve months after publication in JEOS:RP. This is also the only step in the submission and publication process that is not fully electronic. European law requires a written document in which the author signs for this temporary limitation of his full copyright; in practice, a downloadable fax form signed by the author and sent to the EOS office is sufficient. A second point I would like to bring to your attention is the author fee system. For an open-access journal like JEOS:RP, a fee from the author is indispensable to cover the cost of editing the journal. The European Optical Society has been able to fix this fee at a very low level. The basic fee is 400 €; full members and branch members of EOS receive a discount of 50 €. The length of a submitted paper does not play a role. We are convinced that this author fee level is very interesting and we will do our utmost to stick to this competitive level in coming years. A third point of interest, especially for the authors from academia, is the presence of JEOS:RP in the ISI Master Journal List established by Thomson Scientific. All necessary steps have been taken by the Editors to introduce JEOS:RP on this list. Like for all new journals, this insertion will be official after two years of existence of the journal with effectiveness in retrospect from the starting date of the journal (June 2006)
The brilliant future of the online journal is now in the hands of you, the authors, via the quality of your submissions to JEOS:RP. The Editorial Board will do its utmost to establish a very high standard by a thorough and efficient reviewing system carried out by an international network of peers. The aspect of publication speed will be primordial but it should be clear that in certain circumstances quality can not be sacrificed to the shortest possible turn-around time of the paper. Having said this, the Editors, Editorial Board and the other officials of EOS committed to JEOS:RP welcome your future submissions to the online journal!

© The Authors. All rights reserved. [DOI: 10.2971/jeos.2006.06000]

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